Witt O’Brien’s (fka O'Brien's Response Management) held its 2019 Incident Management Team (IMT) Table Top Exercise (TTX) workshops in Busan, Korea, Shanghai China, Mumbai, India and Tokyo, Japan in the Spring of 2019. We were pleased at the turn out and engaged audiences and offer a special thanks to the clients in Mumbai, Shanghai, Busan and Tokyo. Further, we commend them for their continuing commitment to excellence and preparedness.

The annual IMT TTX is an important element in our ongoing “Partnership in Compliance” program. As required by USCG’s “Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) Guidelines”, each Vessel Response Plan Holder must test their plan by conducting an exercise with their incident management team annually. The State of California also requires Plan Holders to conduct an annual IMT TTX.
As your designated IMT, ORM designs, conducts, evaluates, and reports these exercises on your behalf to ensure compliance. To make it easy for you to comply, we conduct a PREP IMT TTX at strategically located cities around the world.
As always, there is no limit to the number of participants that can attend from your company. You may also send participants to one or more of the venues. We want the IMT TTX to be available to as many of your staff as possible. Please plan on sending a representative to one of these exercises.