IMT TTX 2022

Witt O'Brien's conducted a virtual Annual Incident Management Team Tabletop Exercise (IMT TTX) on March 30, 2022, in Fort Lauderdale, FL. This challenging exercise tested the interaction, communication, and problem-solving between the Incident Commander, Federal and State On-Scene Coordinators, and Incident Management Team (IMT) members, including the USCG, State Agencies, OSROs, SMFFs, the vessel operator’s representative, and other stakeholders in the critical stages of a vessel casualty.

While we limited our regular one-day seminars to a few venues, including Singapore, Hamburg, Athens, Oslo, and Limassol, we are hopeful to continue to hold more events next year.

We have once again developed an e-Learning course that covers the virtual IMT TTX carried out in Fort Lauderdale to allow each plan holder to participate in the seminar and satisfy their IMT TTX compliance for 2022.

The 2022 e-Learning course is now available and may be completed at any time before December 31, 2022. [Access e-Learning here: https://learning.wittobriens.com/]

Please contact us at imtttx@wittobriens.com to register for the course.

Our team was happy to return to in-person events this year, including holding Response and Regulatory Update Seminars in Singapore on July 19, Hamburg on September 14, Athens on September 23, Oslo on November 07, and Limassol on November 14, 2022.

Looking ahead, we will be hosting our 2023 IMT TTX to be held in Marina Del Rey, California, on March 28-29, 2023. More information will be coming soon.

Finally, we are also conducting a three-part series of 60-minute Regulatory Updates webinars to provide in-depth coverage of recent regulatory changes and trends related to compliance for vessels trading in the US. on

The dates and scheduled topics are as follows:

  • October 05, 2022 (1100 UTC): 2013 VGP / VIDA Status and Recent Enforcement and Ballast Water Updates
  • November 02, 2022 (1100 UTC): California Updates (CARB Regulations, SMT Regulations), Exhaust Gas Scrubbers, and No Discharge Zones
  • December 07, 2022 (1200 UTC): Alternative Planning Criteria (APC), USCG PREP Compliance, Plan Approvals, and VesselPro

Please email us at inquiry@wittobriens.com for information on registration or links to the replay events.